Thursday, May 3, 2012

Check out this site...

I've browsed around this sight for awhile now and it's pretty interesting. Let me know if you try it!

We're in this together

Dear Readers,

If you are reading this...
Its probably because you have acne.
And its okay.
You can be anonymous here.
But I'm going to come out and say it.
Yes, I have acne too.
Severe acne.
I don't remember ever being clear except for when I was very young.

Everyday I put on makeup and sometimes refuse to leave the house without it.
But when it rains;
The makeup comes off and I hide around school as long as I can before I can get anymore on.

I've wanted to get clear for years!
And I really want you to too.
Don't give up.
Its possible.

Its not possible to cure your acne, but it is possible to repair it.

So join me in the search for the clear skin we've always wanted.
